I am sure that some of you are familiar with Randy Pausch and the book he co-wrote titled "The Last Lecture". I have been fascinated with his story and have been following him along his "last days". I was saddened to hear that he had lost his battle last week to cancer. This week ABC had a special on him Monday and Tuesday night. It was great...it showed clips from that now famous lecture and also from his first interview and an interview with his wife. Brantley watched this as well. I couldnt help but cry as I listened to his words and watch his wife as she spoke of her love for him. He often said "We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we played the hand". I still think WOW what a postitive attitiude even in those final days. Then I thought I am sure my attitude would not be this way. It seems sometimes we get so caught up in "busy" things and being tired from just going, going, going that we forget what is really important. That night Brantley and I talked about how thankful we were for each other and how glad we were to have found each other!! And it reminded me today as I was writing this that I should make every effort everyday to tell him how much I love him....it is so natural to hug and tell Brice and Hayes 100x each day that I love them but I dont do that with Brantley quite as much! :) Sometimes I think that would be harder knowing you are sick but think of all the wonderful things you could do and the things you could say and write to people...then I thought why dont we just do that everyday and live like that is it. Even though we may not have a serious illness the bible states that we are not promised tomorrow. So my new plan is to start living each day like it is my last!! Does Brantley know that he is my "soulmate"?? That I would have rather only had 8 short years with him than a lifetime with someone else?? Does he know that he "completes" me?? Brantley if you are reading this I do love you very much and enjoy everyday I get with you...I know my boys know this but do I constantly nag over the little things with them?? I want to do better with this...And to my friends who read this?? Do you know I would be lost without you?? As girls we do need each other and I wish that we got together more often...I do love you and do want to try to get together more. Arent you glad for friends that dont need to talk "all the time"? You can just pick up where you left off like you never skipped a beat!!
My challenge to you is to do the same....and if you havent picked up a copy of this book. Please do so..it will change your life and make you appreciate the "little things". Hope I get some comments!!Have a great day...and make it count :)
2 years ago
I have watched his lecture twice on youtube and cried both times. I remember that his parents let him paint on his walls, and everytime AC wants to do something that "makes a big mess", I think of him and how I need to encourage her childhood creativity. You are so right about not being promised tomorrow. I get stressed out over such little things, and it makes me so mad at myself. Thanks for this great reminder!
i haven't read the book...but i did see him on good morning america and oprah. he was definitely an amazing man...your post is beautiful. thanks for reminding us to look for the things that are truly important in our lives.
i've never heard of him! i'll have to go look him up. beautiful post, though. great reminder for all of us. i wish we could see each other more often. it was great to see you in dothan..even if only for a few hours!
Great post, Amber! I just found your blog! I'll have to link you to mine to keep up with you. I'm so glad to find you in the blogging world! And isn't Hilary K the best? I think I was the first one to find her (if I do say so) and she has become a hit!
Great to find you!!!
Hi Amber- I found your blog today via Hillary. Your boys are precious- looks like you are doing so well! And the blog has a great layout- I think I'm the last person to not "pimp" their blog!
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